Gardening Conversions
1 US gallon is equal to:
- 4 quarts
- 128 ounces
- 768 tsp
- 8 pints
- 3.785 liters
- 8.34 lbs
- 16 cups
- 256 tbsp
- 231 cu. in.
1 cup is equal to:
- 8 ounces
- 48 tsp
- 0.23 liter
- 1/2 pint
- 236 ml
- 14.4
- 16 tbsp
- 0.52 lbs
- 236 grams
1 tablespoon is equal to:
- 1/2 ounce
- 3 tsp
- 15 grams
- 15 ml
- 180 drops
- 0.663 cup
1 liter is equal to:
- 1000 ml
- 4.328 cups
- 202.88 tsp
- 2.164 pints
- 67.63 tbsp
- 0.264 gal
- 1000 grams
- 2.22 lbs
- 1.057 quarts
Measurement Equivalents:
- 3 tsp = 1 Tbsp
- 1 ml = 1/5 tsp
- 2 Tbsp = 1 l uid oz
- 5 ml = 1 tsp
- 16 Tbsp = 1 cup
- 15 ml = 1 Tbsp
- 2 cups = 1 pint (16 oz)
- 30 ml = 1 fluid oz
- 2 pints = 1 quart (32 oz)
- 240 ml = 1 cup
- 4 quarts = 1 gal (128 oz)
- 3840 ml = 1 gal
- 200°C = 392°F
- 150°C = 302°F
- 125°C = 257°F
- 110°C = 230°F
- 105°C = 221°F
- 100°C = 212°F
- 95°C = 203°F
- 90°C = 194°F
- 85°C = 185°F
- 80°C = 176°F
- 75°C = 167°F
- 70°C = 158°F
- 65°C = 149°F
- 60°C = 140°F
- 50°C = 122°F
- 40°C = 104°F
- 30°C = 86°F
- 20°C = 68°F
- 10°C = 50°F
- 0°C = 32°F
°C = (°F – 32) x 5/9 °F = (°C x 9/5) + 32
Lighting Conversion:
1 footcandle = lumen/ft2
Definitions & Abbreviations
- ppm = parts per million
- mho = conductivity
- mS = millisiemen
- uS = microsiemen
- tds = total dissolved solids
- ec = electrical conductivity
- pH = potential hydrogen
- C Carbon
- Ca Calcium
- Cl Chlorine
- Cu Copper
- Fe Iron
- F Fluorine
- H Hydrogen
- K Potassium
- Mn Mangenese
- Mo Molybdenum
- N Nitrogen
- Na Sodium
- O Oxygen
- P Phosphorus
- S Sulfur
- Zn Zinc
- 1 Siemen = 1000 mS
- 1 mS = 1000 uS
- 1 mS = 500 ppm (standard)
- 1 mS = 650 ppm (horticultural)
- 1 mg/liter = 1 ppm
- Above information Courtesy of Sunlight Supply N-G-W
I wanted to thank you for loaning me some equipment that went bad. You went way beyond typical customer service and I just wanted to give you a Big Thank You !!
Eddie B.
Unbelievable selection of grow supplies! I do a lot of organic gardening and get all my supplies from Innovative!
David M.
Primary Communities Served
Ball Camp
Cedar Bluff
Deane Hill
East Knoxville
Fountain City
Hardin Valley
North Hills
North Knoxville
Ridge Brook
South Knoxville
Strawberry Plains
West Hills
West Knoxville
Western Heights